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Description Date Week(s)
Orientation Week 15.05. - 19.05. 20

Scratch book

First Week

15.05. Monday

On our first day at WIMMA Lab, we had an exciting and productive time: We met fellow team members and learned about the rich history of WIMMA Lab. It was a great opportunity to get to know our colleagues and foster a sense of community. We were introduced to Reportronic, a tool where we report our working hours. We set up our office, rearranging furniture such as tables and chairs to create functional and comfortable workstations. Throughout the day, we explored the core principles of working at WIMMA Lab, including general working practices and summer schedules. We discovered that WIMMA Lab is not just a workplace but also a journey of personal and professional growth. Our day also included a lunch break, an introduction to a competence growth research study, and a recap of agile development principles and practices.

16.05. Tuesday

On Tuesday at WIMMA Lab, we had a productive and engaging day: We began the day with our first mutual Daily Scrum. Each team member took turns introducing themselves, sharing a brief personal introduction. During our discussions, we explored the concept of "rituals" for project working, learning about the practices that enhance collaboration and efficiency within our team. We delved into the details and objectives, gaining a deeper understanding of the project's purpose. We were honored to have special visitors at WIMMA Lab that day. Minttu Mäkäläinen from Gofore and Hannu Oksman from Netum, both alumni of WIMMA Lab, shared their personal journeys and experiences, offering valuable insights into their transition to the working life.

Netum GoFore

17.05. Wednesday

On Wednesday at WIMMA Lab, we had another productive day: The morning started with our first daily team Scrum, where we gathered to discuss the day's agenda and activities. We also had the opportunity to learn more about each other and build stronger relationships. Following that, we had a session dedicated to presenting the assignments. This allowed everyone to understand their specific tasks and responsibilities. We started diving into the assigned tasks. Additionally, we successfully completed the setup of our offices, ensuring a comfortable work environment.

Adults on the Move

18.05. Thursday

Holiday. No work was scheduled on Thursday, May 18th, 2023, due to the observance of Ascension Day.

Preparations were made for SKILL-DB, including the creation of a database container.

19.05. Friday

A template API was developed for the SKILL database, allowing team members interested in backend development to continue their work. User stories were initiated for the Traffic Visualizer project.

On Friday at WIMMA Lab, we had a productive day focusing on building a backlog and promoting our orientation week: The theme of the day was centered around starting to build a backlog for our projects and achieving our goals. We began with a Scrum of Scrums at 8:45 AM, bringing together representatives from each team to discuss progress and address any challenges. Following that, individual team Scrums took place at 9:00 AM. This allowed teams to synchronize their activities, provide updates, and plan for the day ahead. At 10:00 AM, we embarked on creating a Product Canvas, outlining our product's vision, target audience, value proposition, and high-level requirements. We also took the time to prepare our first LinkedIn post about our orientation week. This post aimed to share our experiences, insights, and achievements during this period, reaching a wider audience and creating awareness about our work.