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Sprint 05

Description Date Week(s)
Update 10.07. - 21.07. 28-29

Scratch book

10.07. Monday

The backend on the CSC instance needed a lot of configuration. In the sprint 05 planning, we checked the roadmap and decided not to add any more new features and just focus on polishing the current features. The modal dashboard was not accessing the correct station object properties and needed a solution. Different chart types were implemented based on a sorting algorithm daily/weekly/monthly. Testing-wise Tukko got some backend testing with automation.

11.07. Tuesday

The documentation got some fixes. Minor bug fixes on the frontend. Docker issues were debugged with the local server and fixed. MongoDB was configured to work with the new data structure.

Sometimes we find bugs...


12.07. Wednesday

This day was spent on documentation on fixing older bugs. Jukka Hämäläinen from Giju gave us a lecture about "7 behaviors of an autonomous team." Our customer gave us a visit in the afternoon.

Road Work data was added to the frontend. Roadwork

Alena showed us a new use case for Tukko Alena's Cat

13.07. Thursday

Tukko backend was deployed successfully to the CSC and from now on testers and developers could use the as the backend for a local frontend. Tukko's API Swagger documentation got an update. Testers got to play around with Testkube and Playwright. Tukko's user guide started. We got a very good hint that we should use Gzip for the fetched data.

Tooltip now shows detailed information about road works.

Road Work

Graph finally shows some actual data:


14.07. Friday

Tukko's user guide was finished. Redis got the finishing touches and fixes. Gzip implementation started. We showed our code to Netum's representatives.

Road Work got an icon:

road work icon

Implemented version:

road work marker

Feedback form now notifies if one tries to send empty:


17.07. Monday

architecture Architecture documentation got a face lift.

The documentation for Redis is done. GDPR statement was added because we want to inform users that we DON'T collect user info. Newest Tukko deployed. We asked for end user feedback by sending out the link and asking other teams / affiliates for comments / improvements / bugs. Some of those turned in to tickets and fixed or added.

18.07. Tuesday

Mobile responsiveness features implemented. Now time is spent mostly on fixing known bugs and small additions to UX/UI. Narsu gave us a visit! Modal was still worked on.

19.07 Wednesday

Modal dashboard work. Test cases and runs, learning DataDrive for Robot Framework. SKILL-db API documentation was made. Documentation documentation documentation...

20.07 Thursday

More studying of DataDriver for Robot Framework. Documentation, of course.

The dashboard with all possible data streams.

TUkko dashboard

Road work icon tried to find its place.



21.07 Friday

Mobile responsiveness not optimal yet :D



And then it got a face-lift with a lot of useless things removed.



This is the end of feature implementations for Tukko. Sprint 06 will be used only for documentation and report writing!