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Definition of Done

The Definition of Done (DoD) refers to the agreed-upon criteria that determine when a goal or task is considered completed. It serves as a shared understanding within the team and ensures that all necessary steps have been taken to deliver a high-quality outcome. The specific criteria may vary based on the context and nature of the project, but commonly include the following:

  1. Pair Review: The work has been reviewed by at least two team members to ensure its quality, correctness, and adherence to established standards.

  2. Testing: The relevant tests, such as unit tests, integration tests, and acceptance tests, have been executed, and the work has passed all applicable test cases.

  3. Documentation: The necessary documentation, such as user guides, technical specifications, or API documentation, has been created or updated to reflect the changes made.

  4. Implementation in Version Control: The code or artifacts related to the task have been committed or merged into the appropriate version control system, ensuring proper tracking and versioning.

  5. Together Reviewed: The work has been collectively reviewed by the team, allowing for feedback, clarification, and identification of any potential issues or improvements.

  6. Additional Criteria: Depending on the project and its requirements, there may be other specific criteria that need to be met before considering the task as done. These criteria can be defined and agreed upon by the team as part of the Definition of Done.

By adhering to the Definition of Done, the team ensures that each task is completed to a satisfactory level, promoting transparency, collaboration, and the delivery of high-quality work.