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Risk Management Plan

Document Risk Management Plan
Author: Reima Parviainen
Version: 1.0
Date: 14.6.2023
RISK ID Description Severity Probability Responsible Action in case the risk escalates
RIS01 Team member gets the flu S3 3 Team member Inform the team leader and the client, if necessary.
RIS02 Technical infrastructure failure S2 4 Mysticon OPS Activate backup systems and contact IT support for immediate assistance.
RIS03 Scope creep S4 2 Project Manager Hold a meeting with stakeholders to reassess project scope and make necessary adjustments.
RIS04 Delay in third-party deliverables S3 3 Project Manager Communicate with the third party and identify alternative solutions or adjust project timeline accordingly.
RIS05 Data breach or security vulnerability S2 4 Mysticons OPS Activate incident response plan, investigate and mitigate the breach, and inform relevant stakeholders.
RIS06 Stakeholder conflicts S4 2 Project Manager Facilitate open communication, mediate conflicts, and involve higher management if necessary.
RIS07 Key team member leaves the project S3 3 Project Manager Assess the impact on the project, redistribute responsibilities, and consider recruitment or knowledge transfer if necessary.
RIS08 Lack of stakeholder engagement or feedback S4 2 Project Manager Implement proactive communication strategies, seek feedback, and schedule regular meetings to ensure stakeholder involvement.
RIS09 Insufficient resources or budget constraints S2 4 Project Manager Reallocate resources, identify cost-saving measures, or negotiate for additional resources to meet project requirements.
RIS10 Changes in legal or regulatory requirements S3 3 Legal/Compliance team Monitor regulatory landscape, assess impact on the project, and implement necessary adjustments to ensure compliance.
RIS11 Inadequate documentation or knowledge transfer S4 3 Team members Establish proper documentation practices, encourage knowledge sharing, and conduct regular knowledge transfer sessions.
RIS12 Dependencies on external vendors or suppliers S3 3 Project Manager Maintain regular communication with vendors, monitor their performance, and have contingency plans in place for any potential disruptions.
RIS13 Lack of sufficient testing or quality assurance S2 4 Testing team Review and improve testing processes, allocate dedicated resources for quality assurance, and conduct thorough testing at all stages.
RIS14 Poor communication within the team S4 3 Project Manager Promote open and transparent communication channels, encourage active listening, and address any communication gaps promptly.
RIS15 Changes in project requirements or objectives S3 3 Project Manager Conduct impact analysis, engage stakeholders for requirement clarification, and adjust project plans accordingly.
RIS16 Inadequate project tracking and monitoring S4 3 Project Manager Implement effective project tracking tools and techniques, regularly review progress, and proactively identify and address any deviations from the plan.
RIS17 Incompatibility issues between different software versions S3 3 Development Team Perform thorough compatibility testing, maintain version control, and collaborate with stakeholders to address any compatibility issues.
RIS18 Inadequate expertise or skill gaps in the chosen technologies S2 4 Project Manager Assess the skill requirements, provide training or external resources to bridge the skill gaps, and ensure continuous learning and improvement within the team.
RIS19 Dependencies on deprecated or unsupported technologies S3 3 Technical Lead Monitor technology lifecycles, plan for necessary upgrades or migrations, and develop contingency plans in case of unexpected issues with deprecated technologies.
RIS20 Performance bottlenecks or scalability challenges S2 4 Development Team Conduct load testing and performance optimization, implement scalability strategies, and monitor system performance regularly to identify and address any bottlenecks.
RIS21 Security vulnerabilities in the chosen technologies S3 3 Security Team Regularly update and patch the software components, perform security audits, and follow best practices to mitigate potential security risks.
RIS22 Limited vendor or community support for the chosen technologies S4 2 Technical Lead Assess the availability of support resources, maintain alternative solutions or workarounds, and establish communication channels with vendor or community for prompt assistance.

Severity descriptions

The severity class should be defined according to the project

Severity class Description Other
S1 Force Major - Total show stopper
S2 Significant impact on project progress
S3 Moderate impact, manageable
S4 Minor impact, minimal disruption
S5 No immediate affect, to be observed