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Team Introduction

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The IoTitude 2023 team consists of highly skilled individuals with diverse expertise and a strong foundation in the technologies mentioned earlier. The team is led by an experienced Team Leader who provides guidance, coordinates activities and ensures efficient project management.

Our team comprises Junior Developers who are adept in utilizing technologies such as React, TypeScript, NodeJS, Docker, Kubernetes, CI/CD GitLab, Vite, REST, Leaflet.js, and Digitraffic APIs. They possess the necessary knowledge and skills to develop and maintain the Traffic Visualizer service, working collaboratively to implement features and ensure a smooth user experience.

Additionally, our team includes Junior Testers who specialize in software testing methodologies and utilize tools like GitLab and Open Project Framework for documentation. Of course a variety of testing tools will be used (i.e. Robot Framework). They play a crucial role in ensuring the quality and reliability of the developed solutions, conducting thorough testing, identifying bugs, and providing valuable feedback for continuous improvement.

With their collective knowledge and expertise, the IoTitude 2023 team is well-equipped to tackle the challenges of the project, delivering innovative solutions while adhering to industry best practices. Collaboration, adaptability, and a strong commitment to excellence drive the team's success as they work towards achieving the project's objectives.

Team members

Name Description Company / entity Task Responsibilities LinkedIn
Reima Parviainen Team Leader IoTitude / Lead the project and handle test planning LinkedIn
Justus Hänninen Junior Developer IoTitude / Backend, TypeScript, SKILL DB API LinkedIn
Hai Nguyen Junior Developer IoTitude / GitLab Pipeline LinkedIn
Ilia Chichkanov Junior Developer IoTitude / Backend, SKILL DB API LinkedIn
Olli Kainu Junior Developer IoTitude / Frontend LinkedIn
Otto Nordling Junior Developer / Tester IoTitude / Testing LinkedIn
Alan Ousi Junior Developer / Tester IoTitude / Testing LinkedIn

Reima Parviainen

Reima Parviainen

Team Leader

Hello! I'm Reima, the Team Leader of IoTitude this summer! Having recently completed my second year in JAMK, participating in WIMMA Lab has been an enlightening experience for me as it connects the dots of my courses over the past two years, crystallizing my studies and allowing me to see the bigger picture. Scrumidy scrum! Connect with me on LinkedIn!

Justus Hänninen

Justus Hänninen

Junior Developer

I'm Justus, a developer in team IoTitude. I'm mostly developing fullstack and a consultant for team Overflow with Skill Collector as they are building upon mostly my previous work with it. Currently I'm working with Node for our Traffic Visualizer backend, and React for the frontend. I am experienced with our stack, but as I'm constantly trying to hog new knowledge, I tend to take on the more challenging or more foreign tasks available. At least until I get pulled to consult some more on my old projects...

Hai Nguyen

Hai Nguyen

Junior Developer

Hi there! I'm Hai and I'm a fullstack developer in team IoTitude. I take part in developing REST API routes, fetching JSON data and adding exciting features to our Tukko - Traffic Visualizer application. I also maintain the fundamental CI/CD for our IoTitude project. My main technology stack consists of React with TypeScript, Node.js, MongoDB, Docker, and GitLab.

Ilia Chichkanov

Ilia Chichkanov

Junior Developer

Hello, I am Ilia. As a member of the IoTitude team, I am primarily responsible for the back-end development of our projects. I decided to take on a back-end developer role because my experience in this area is limited to my studies in JAMK. Now, I want to challenge myself and learn more by participating in the development of real projects.

Olli Kainu

Olli Kainu

Junior Developer

I'm Olli and I'm a developer at team IoTitude. My main task is the frontend development of our Tukko - Traffic Visualizer application. I design and implement the user interface for the application. The tools that I use for development are React with TypeScript, Node.js, Docker and Gitlab.

Otto Nordling

Otto Nordling

Junior Tester/Developer

Hi! I'm Otto and I'm one of the two test engineers at IoTitude. My main task is to plan out tests for the WIMMA Lab projects and carry them out in an organized manner with the other testers. As our test management tool, we use GitLab to streamline our CI/CD pipeline. Testing is of course partially done manually, but we do also utilize Robot Framework to automate the more repetitive tests whenever possible. I prefer my tea green.

Alan Ousi

Alan Ousi

Junior Tester/Developer

Hello! I'm Alan and I'm one of the tester's for team IoTitude. My job is to test the functionality of our project and make sure that no bugs or mistakes are deployed on our Traffic Visualizer. This includes Acceptance testing, Functionality testing and End to end testing. Currently I’m using Playwrights library on Robot Framework to conduct Acceptance testing and Functionality testing. As for End-to-end testing, I’m using Robot Framework with Request, JSON and Collections library.