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Filter data

Feature ID FEA007
Subsystem the feature is part of Database
Responsible person Backend
Status Backlog


Being able to filter what kind of data is being displayed

ID Description
Use Case 1 Filter data
FUNC-REQ-C0007 User has to be able to toggle what type of traffic data is being displayed on the map

Preliminary user stories

  • As a food delivery person, I want to know the average speed of vehicles in a specific area so that I can pick the fastest route. #48

  • As Combitech, I want to be able to monitor traffic volumes. #47

  • As Combitech, I want application to have layers with ready made filters. #40

  • As Combitech, I want to be able to separate heavy traffic, busses and regular cars. #1

User interface mock-up


Possible solutions

Frontend could filter data depending on the vehicle type.

TMS API does provide this information for each vehicle:

The vehicle classes are:

1 HA-PA (car or delivery van)
2 KAIP (truck, no trailer)
3 Buses
4 KAPP (semi-trailer truck)
5 KATP (truck with trailer)
6 HA + PK (car or delivery van with trailer)
7 HA + AV (car or delivery van with trailer or camper)


Testing / possible acceptance criteria

Testcase Test source Responsible
Testcase 1 FUNC-REQ-C0007 Testers