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Login system

Feature ID e.g. FEA012
Subsystem the feature is part of Account system
Responsible person Developers
Status Backlog


The user may create a password-protected user account that saves their personal history and settings and allows them to use the email subscription service.

ID Description
Use Case 12 User wishes the application to remember their preferences
Use Case 2 User wants the website to remember their past queries
Use Case 3 User wants to sign up for email notifications
FUNC-REQ-C0012 User is able to create a password protected account

Preliminary user stories

  • #4 As Combitech, I want the application to have a log-in and logging system

User interface mock-up

Log-in UI:

Log-in UI mockup

Possible solutions

Testing / possible acceptance criteria

Testcase Test source Responsible
Testcase 1 FUNC-REQ-C0012 Testers
Testcase 2 SEC-REQ-0001 Testers