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Filter by city, region, street name

Feature ID FEA021
Subsystem the feature is part of System
Responsible person Developers
Status Backlog


The user can filter results by city region and street name. Traffic will then be visualized only in these areas.

Use Case 1 To filter out unwanted data points for visual clarity
FUNC-REQ-C0021 The user is able to type in a location's name to display data from the named location

Preliminary user stories

  • #36 As a city planner, I want to know how traffic is like in other cities so that I analyze their city structure and improve future planning.

User interface mock-up


Possible solutions

Testing / possible acceptance criteria

Testcase Test source Responsible
Testcase 1 FUNC-REQ-C0021 Testers
Testcase 2 USAB-REQ-0003 Testers