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Leaflet.js for the map

Feature ID FEA004
Subsystem the feature is part of Service Client UI
Responsible person Frontend
Status Implemented


Leaflet.js is a JavaScript library that can help you build interactive maps.

ID Description
Use Case 1 Leaflet.js for the map
FUNC-REQ-C0004 The user is able to interact with map elements with clicks / taps

Preliminary user stories

  • As an environmentalist group, we want to know the types of vehicles in a specific area so that we see if we need to check for air quality / pollution in an area. #50

  • As Combitech, I want to be able to monitor traffic volumes. #47

  • As a food delivery person, I want to know the avarege speed of vehicles in a specific area so that i can pick the fastest route. #48

  • As a commuter, I want to see the difference between location of a vehicle to the estimated lcoation. #43

  • As Combitech, I want application to have layers with ready made filters. #40

  • As a food delivery person, I want to know which roads are congested so that i can pick the delivery route. #37

  • As a logistic company employee, I want to see all my company's trucks visivle in a selected area of the map. #33

  • As Combitech, I want to be able to separate heavy traffic, busses and regular cars. #1

User interface mock-up

User interface mock-up


React Leaflet in use

We used Leaflet.js, a popular open-source JavaScript library collection for interactive maps. While we use React we of course had to use the React Leaflet (GitHub) so the Leaflet elements are presented as React components.

Example from /components/mapLayers.tsx

export function MapLayers(): JSX.Element | null {
  return (
      <LayersControl.Overlay name="Show station data" checked>
          <MarkerClusterGroup pmIgnore>
            <MarkerList />

Testing / possible acceptance criteria

Testcase Test source Responsible
Testcase 2 FUNC-REQ-C0028 Testers
Testcase 3 FUNC-REQ-C0028 Testers
Testcase 4 FUNC-REQ-C0004 Testers