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Highlight area from the map

Feature ID FEA006
Subsystem the feature is part of User interface
Responsible person Frontend
Status Implemented


Being able to highlight a certain area from the map and only see the traffic from that highlighted area.

ID Description
Use Case 1 Highlight an area from the map
FUNC-REQ-C0006 The user is able to draw shapes on the map to get information from the drawn region

Preliminary user stories

  • As Combitech, I want to view traffic by selecting certain area (square, circle, polygon) #6

User interface mock-up



We used Leaflet-Geoman plugin to select areas from the map.

At the moment with the geoman-tools you can select an area and then it will show every marker (station), even when zoomed out. Future improvements could gather data from all selected markers.

Markers don't show yet:


Markers are shown after selection:


Testing / possible acceptance criteria

Testcase Test source Responsible
Testcase 1 FUNC-REQ-C0006 Testers