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Automatized testing

Feature ID FEA008
Subsystem the feature is part of System
Responsible person Testers
Status Implemented


Being able to set up an automated test by using RobotFramework and other libraries.

ID Description
Use Case 1
FUNC-REQ-C0008 Developers ensure that Robot Network is able to interact with the software

Preliminary user stories

  • As a tester, I want to have dockerization so that I can test the app in the correct environment. #24

User interface mock-up


List of possible tools:

  1. SeleniumLibrary: A web testing library for Robot Framework that utilizes the Selenium WebDriver.
  2. RequestsLibrary: A library for making HTTP requests and handling responses in Robot Framework.
  3. DatabaseLibrary: A library for interacting with databases using Robot Framework.
  4. SSHLibrary: A library for SSH and SFTP automation in Robot Framework.
  5. AppiumLibrary: A library for mobile app testing using Appium and Robot Framework.
  6. RESTinstance: A tool for testing RESTful APIs using Robot Framework.
  7. FakerLibrary: A library for generating fake test data using Robot Framework.
  8. TestStack.White: A UI automation framework for Windows desktop applications with support for Robot Framework.
  9. BeautifulSoupLibrary: A library for parsing HTML and XML documents using Beautiful Soup in Robot Framework.
  10. SwaggerLibrary: A library for testing RESTful APIs based on Swagger definitions using Robot Framework.


Our test cases and test results can be found in this documentation.

Testing / possible acceptance criteria

Testcase Test source Responsible
Testcase 1 FUNC-REQ-C0008 Testers