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Customer feedback system

Feature ID FEA011
Subsystem the feature is part of Database
Responsible person Developer
Status Implemented


We want to receive customer feedback so we know what to improve on and what quality-of-life features we might want to add.

Use Case 1 Customer gives feedback on traffic visualizer
FUNC-REQ-C0011 The user is able to send feedback to the developer through the software itself

Preliminary user stories

  • As an IoTitude developer, I want to see the feedback of the customers so that I know what aspects of the project need to be improved on. #8

User interface mock-up

feedback mockup


Implemented feedback

We use GitLab issues for feedback gathering. The feedback form sends the ticket through our GitLab API straight to our frontend's repository.

Customer Feedback

Sent feedbacks get the tag "Customer feedback" and we can use those tickets to make branches and fix or implement based on the feedback.


Testing / possible acceptance criteria

Testcase Test source Responsible
Testcase 1 FUNC-REQ-C0011 Testers
Testcase 2 FUNC-REQ-C0011 Testers