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TMS Show 5min averages of traffic

Feature ID FEA017
Subsystem the feature is part of API
Responsible person Developers
Status Implemented


The average status of traffic in an area is displayed to the user. Check FEA016 - TMS Show real time data

Use Case 1 The user wishes to know the status of the traffic in recent past so they can plan their route
FUNC-REQ-C0017 The user is able to display traffic data from last 5 minutes extrapolated to an hour

Preliminary user stories

  • #20 As a food delivery person, I want to know which roads are congested so that I can pick the delivery route.
  • #30 As a postal worker, I want to know which roads are congested so that I can plan my delivery route.
  • #32 As a delivery employee, I want to estimate the fastest route to my recipients estimated based on the current traffic.

User interface mock-up



Instead of the heatmap system we came up with a bunch of ways to display real-time traffic data on the map.

  1. The marker that shows two different sides representing Direction 1 (left) and Direction 2 (right)


  1. The Tooltip that shows a sliding timeframe from now to 5 minutes ago as current situation (OHITUKSET_5MIN_LIUKUVA_ and KESKINOPEUS_5MIN_LIUKUVA_) by amount of vehicles / hour and their average cruise speed. Additionally it shows the possible road work situation that might affect the traffic.


  1. The Popup shows more specific information with the past 5min data too


Testing / possible acceptance criteria

Testcase Test source Responsible
Testcase 1 FUNC-REQ-C0017 Testers