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MongoDB for historical data

Feature ID FEA019
Subsystem the feature is part of Database
Responsible person Developers
Status Under review


Storing historical data from Traffic Visualizer into a MongoDB database

Use Case 1 Developer wishes to store historical data into a database
Use Case 2 The user wishes to see what traffic has been like in the past
FUNC-REQ-C0019 The developer makes the software store historical data in a MongoDB database

Preliminary user stories

  • #24 As a city planner, I want to know which roads are congested so that we can see where we need to change road plans.
  • #41 As a delivery service company, I want to download a monthly report for my company of most common routes and average time spent in transit.
  • #54 As a customer, I want the service to use NoSQL database so that its compatible with our standards
  • #56 As a user, I want history data on the map so that I can plan stuff
  • #57 As a heavy traffic planner, I want to use Traffic Visualizer so that I can plan my heavy haulings to be moved at the best time of day.

User interface mock-up



Historical data


- `axios` (v1.4.0): A library for making HTTP requests to the API.
- `compression` (v1.7.4): Middleware for compressing HTTP responses.
- `cors` (v2.8.5): Middleware for enabling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS).
- `express` (v4.18.2): The web framework used for handling HTTP requests and building RESTful APIs.
- `http-status-codes` (v2.2.0): A library providing HTTP status code constants.
- `mongodb` (v5.6.0): A MongoDB driver for interacting with the MongoDB database.
- `node-localstorage` (v2.2.1): A library for using the localStorage API in Node.js.
- `redis` (v4.6.7): A Redis client library for Node.js.
- `redis-om` (v0.4.0-beta.3): A Redis Object Mapper for Node.js.
- `swagger-jsdoc` (v6.2.8): A library for generating Swagger documentation from JSDoc comments.
- `swagger-ui-express` (v4.6.3): Middleware for serving Swagger UI documentation.
- `tsconfig-paths` (v4.2.0): A utility for resolving TypeScript module paths.

Testing / possible acceptance criteria

Testcase Test source Responsible
Testcase 1 FUNC-REQ-C0019 Testers
Usability Requirement USAB-REQ-0006 Testers