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Feature ID FEA022
Subsystem the feature is part of UX
Responsible person Developers
Status Implemented


Disabilities are taken into consideration when designing the application. Various accessibility options are implemented in the application, including multiple color modes for those who are color blind.

Use Case 1 User wants to change the color of data clusters for clarity
FUNC-REQ-C0022 The user is able to toggle common color blindness filters

Preliminary user stories

  • #58 User wants to switch to color blind mode clusters


  • Use WAVE Tools to check for WCAG2.1 basic level compliance.
  • Ensure proper contrast levels for text and background colors. Use React Aria labels to provide accessible names for interactive elements.
  • Include alt text for all images to provide alternative descriptions.
  • Ensure proper heading structure and hierarchy.
  • Use semantic HTML tags to provide meaningful structure.
  • Provide keyboard navigation for all interactive elements.
  • Ensure proper form labels and input field accessibility.
  • Implement skip navigation links for easier keyboard navigation.
  • Test for screen reader compatibility and make necessary adjustments.
  • Provide clear and descriptive error messages for form validation.
  • Ensure proper focus management and visibility for focus indicators.
  • Use appropriate language attributes to indicate the language of the content.
  • Test for color blindness and ensure information is conveyed without relying solely on color.
  • Consider adding captions or transcripts for audio and video content.
  • Test the website with assistive technologies and make necessary improvements.

Testing / possible acceptance criteria

Testcase Test source Responsible
Testcase 1 FUNC-REQ-C0022 Testers
Testcase 2 USAB-REQ-0000 Testers
Testcase 3 USAB-REQ-0001 Testers
Testcase 4 USAB-REQ-0002 Testers
Testcase 5 USAB-REQ-0004 Testers
Testcase 5 USAB-REQ-0007 Testers