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Zoom to selected area

Feature ID FEA023
Subsystem the feature is part of System
Responsible person Developers
Status Implemented


The application will automatically zoom to a layer when it has been drawn.

ID Description
Use Case 1 To filter out unwanted data points for visual clarity
FUNC_REQ-C0023 The user is able to interact with map elements to make the map zoom close to them

Preliminary user stories

  • #63 As a Traffic Visualizer user I want to be able to zoom to a marker or a selected area by clicking it


We added a zoom function to the Geoman selection tool.



So when you select the area it zooms to it.

Testing / possible acceptance criteria

Testcase Test source Responsible
Testcase 1 FUNC-REQ-C0023 Testers
Testcase 2 PREF-REQ-0002 Testers