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Login system

The user may create a login for themselves. When logged in, the user is allowed to save their preferred settings or enable email subscriptions.

  • Author: Otto Nordling
  • Date / Version: 31/05/2023

User roles

  1. End user

Prerequisites / Conditions

  1. Database containing emails and passwords
  2. User signed up / created a login

Use Case Diagram

uml diagram

Description of use case

  1. Open the application
  2. Click on the text labeled "Log in"
  3. Email address is entered in its dedicated text field
  4. Password is entered in its dedicated text field
  5. The log-in button under the username and password text fields is clicked on, or the Enter key is hit


  • No known expectations


  • If the entered email and password match a pair in the database, the user is logged in. Otherwise, the user will remain not logged in, and is asked to check their username and password are correct.

Use frequency

  • Whenever user uses the application from a new device

Additional information

  • Secure connection is a requirement
  • System must be GDPR compliant


This wiki-document is based on the The public administration recommendations

Thanks to the original authors.