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Email subscription

The user may choose to sign up for an email notification service that notifies them about traffic, incidents, roadwork, in their chosen area.

  • Author: Otto Nordling
  • Date / Version: 31/05/2023

User roles

  1. End user

Prerequisites / Conditions

  1. The user has created a login

Use Case Diagram

uml diagram

Description of use case

  1. Open application
  2. Log in, if needed
  3. Enter settings
  4. Click a button to enable email notifications
  5. Specify the areas you wish to receive notifications from


  • Notifications are limited to be about traffic in Finland


  • The user receives emails about traffic in their specified areas.

Use frequency

  • Email notifications may be altered any time the user is logged in.
  • Notifications are received whenever there's unusual obstruction of traffic in the chosen area
  • Notifications about the traffic statistics in chosen areas may be received periodically.

Additional information

  • Describe other relevant information related to the use case, such as open issues, references to the codes used, etc.


This wiki-document is based on the The public administration recommendations

Thanks to the original authors.