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TMS Show 5min averages to the user

Show statistic of the last 5 minutes of traffic in an area.

  • Author: Otto Nordling
  • Date / Version: 30/05/23

User roles

  1. End user

Prerequisites / Conditions

  1. Connection to Digitraffic API works

Use Case Diagram

uml diagram

Description of use case

  1. User open Traffic Visualizer
  2. User queries for traffic data from the last 5 minutes
  3. This data is returned from the Digitraffic API
  4. Traffic information about the last 5 minutes is displayed in the app


  • No known exceptions


  • Info matching the query about the last 5 minutes of traffic is delivered to the end user

Use frequency

  • Any time the app is used

Additional information

  • Types of information include the average speed of the last five minutes, average speed percentage of the road free flow speed, the % of average flow speed, number of vehicles extrapolated to one hour, percentage of vehivles passed during the last 5 minutes from the maximum amount of vehicles per hour, and percentage of vehicles passed during a given 5 minute window from the maximum amount of vehicles per hour.


This wiki-document is based on the The public administration recommendations

Thanks to the original authors.