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TC004 001 (old)

Test Case description Check that the edit and remove layers function works as intended
Test Case ID TC004-001
Author/Designer Alan Ousi
Date of creation 26.06.2023
Class functional

NOTE: The 'Edit Layer' and 'Drag Layer' tools have been removed from the application. This test case has been obsoleted.

Test description/objective

The objective of this test is to verify that the "Edit" button in Tukko does not allow editing, deleting, or moving clusters. The test aims to identify and validate the issue where the "Edit" button incorrectly allows manipulation of clusters, which should only be applicable to user-drawn layers.

Test pre-state


Test steps

Step No. Step description Expected result
1. Open the Tukko website This should navigate you to the Tukko website
2. Locate the "edit layers" button and click it This should give you the ability to edit layers that you have drawn
3. Locate a cluster and right-click the cluster Nothing should happen after right-clicking the cluster
4. Locate the "drag layers" button and click it This should give you the ability to move around layers that you have drawn
5. Locate a cluster and try to move it The cluster should be staying stationary and not able to move
  • What happens after running the test

To be taken into account during the test

  • Notion 1
  • Notion 2

Test result (Pass/Fail Criteria)

  • PASS condition: You are not able to move around clusters and delete them.
  • FAIL condition: You can move around the clusters and delete them.