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TC004 003

Test Case Description Verify the functionality of drawing and removing shapes (circle and rectangle) on the website
Test Case ID TC004-003
Author/Designer Otto Nordling
Date of Creation 12.07.2023
Class Functional

Test Description/Objective

The objective of this test is to verify that the website allows users to draw polygons on the map, and provides functionality for removing those shapes as intended.

Test Pre-state


Test Steps

Step No. Step Description Expected Result
1 Open the Tukko website The website should load with the map and the relevant buttons visible
2 Locate and click the "Draw Polygons" button The cursor should change to a polygon-drawing tool
3 Click on two separate point on the map A line shape should appear on the map
4 Click on "Finish" next to the "Draw Polygons" tool Nothing should occur
5 Click on "Remove Last Vertex" on the "Draw Polygons" tool The polygon drawing should return to the state of only one click on the map
6 Click on "Remove Last Vertex" on the "Draw Polygons" tool again The first drawn dot should disappear and the "Draw Polygons" tool deactivate
7 Repeat steps 2-3 and click on a separate third point on the map There should now be two connected lines on the map
8 Click on the starting dot or click "Finish" next to the "Draw Polygons" tool The polygon should finish drawing
9 Click on the "Remove Layers" tool on the toolbar "Remove Layers" tool should become active
10 Click on the drawn Polygon The polygon should be removed from the map

To be taken into account during test**

  • Ensure that the drawing for each shape is clearly visible and accessible.
  • Verify that the drawn shapes are persistent and retain their properties.

Test Result (Pass/Fail Criteria)**

  • PASS condition: The website allows users to draw polygons and maintains the expected properties of the shapes.
  • FAIL condition: The drawing functionality does not work correctly, the shapes do not retain their properties, or there are issues with deleting shapes.