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TC004 004

Test Case Description Verify the functionality of drawing and removing shapes (circle and rectangle) on the website
Test Case ID TC004-004
Author/Designer Otto Nordling
Date of Creation 12.07.2023
Class Functional

Test Description/Objective

The objective of this test is to verify that the website allows users to use basic Leaflet map operations like moving around and zooming.

Test Pre-state


Test Steps

Step No. Step Description Expected Result
1 Open the Tukko website The website should load with the map and the relevant buttons visible
2 Hold the mouse button down on the map and drag the mouse The map should move according to the movements
3 Scroll the mouse wheel back and forth while pointing the cursor somewhere on the map Map should zoom in and out
4 While zoomed out, click on a cluster Map zooms in on the cluster and markers (/ more clusters) show up from the cluster
5 Click on a marker A popup with basic information shows up
6 Click on a direction on the popup Another popup with more detailed info shows up

To be taken into account during test**

  • Ensure that the drawing for each shape is clearly visible and accessible.
  • Verify that the drawn shapes are persistent and retain their properties.

Test Result (Pass/Fail Criteria)**

  • PASS condition: The website allows users to draw polygons and maintains the expected properties of the shapes.
  • FAIL condition: The drawing functionality does not work correctly, the shapes do not retain their properties, or there are issues with deleting shapes.