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TC006 002

Test Case Description Verify the functionality of markers being limited to drawn areas
Test Case ID TC006-001
Author/Designer Otto Nordling
Date of Creation 13.07.2023
Class Functional

NOTE: The 'Edit Layer' and 'Drag Layer' tools have been removed from the application. This test case has been obsoleted.

Test Description/Objective

The objective of this test is to verify that the website allows users to limit data being shown to them to within their drawn layer

Test Pre-state


Test Steps

Step No. Step Description Expected Result
1 Open the Tukko website The website should load with the map and the relevant buttons visible
2 Draw a shape around some markers and / or clusters Only markers falling inside the drawn layer should be visible
3 Remove the layer with the Remove Layer tool All markers should become visible

To be taken into account during test

  • Different draw tools should be tested
  • If drawn layer is around an area that has a marker but is hidden inside a cluster that's outside the drawn layer, the marker should now be shown outside the cluster
  • No more than one drawn layer can be one the map at a time

Test Result (Pass/Fail Criteria)

  • PASS condition: Markers shown to the user should be limited within a drawn layer when a layer has been drawn. Otherwise all markers should be visible.
  • FAIL condition: Not all markers inside a drawn layer are shown, markers outside drawn layer are shown, markers disappear when layers are removed, markers being shown don't update accordingly to drawn layer modifications