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Test Case ID TC007-001
Author Otto Nordling
Date of creation 17.07.2023
Class Acceptance

Test Description/Objective

This test case verifies the functionality of the FEA007.

This test is based on the following feature requirement:

Test Pre-state

  1. Tukko should be set up

Test steps

# Action Expected result
1 Open the Tukko website The website should load with the map and the relevant buttons visible
2 Click on a marker A tooltip with traffic info pops up
3 Click on either side of the tooltip More detailed info should be displayed
4 Click on 'Show dashboard' on the popup The traffic visualizer dashboards opens
5 Click on some of the check boxes A graph is drawn based on the boxes that are checked

To be taken into account during test

  • Each side of a marker displays its own color, depicting the traffic flow to a direction.
  • Clicking on the different sides of the tooltip opens popup with information about traffic going to just one direction of the road.

PASS/FAIL Criteria

  • PASS: Green markers have high traffic low, yellow have lesser traffic flow than green, red has lower traffic flow than yellow
  • FAIL: Pass condition or any of the steps fail to meet expectations.