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TC-XX-YYY - Test name

Test Case ID TC010-002
Author Otto Nordling
Date of creation 13.07.2023
Class Performance

Test Description/Objective

This test case verifies that the application is usable on various screen sizes

This test is based on the following feature requirement:

Test Pre-state

  1. Tukko should be online

Test steps

# Action Expected result
1 Open in a browser The website should load with the map and the relevant buttons visible
2 Press 'F12' Developer tools of the browser should open
3 Press 'Ctrl + Shift + M' A mobile view should open
4 Scroll down on the mouse wheel several times The map eventually hits a minimum zoom limit and stops zooming out
4 Click on a marker A tooltip should pop up
5 Click on on the tooltip A pop up with more detailed data is displayed
6 Click on the feedback form collapsible The feedback form opens
7 Click on the feedback form icon and somewhere empty on the map The feedback form and popup close
8 Swap the preset phone dimensions at the top of the screen The map viewport should change accordingly
9 Repeat steps 4-8 until you've exhausted the preset phone dimensions The popups and collapsible have been tested on a variety of resolutions

To be taken into account during test

  • Evaluate if enough of the map is visible when as zoomed out as possible
  • See if all the information in the popups is readable on all screen sizes
  • Feedback form should be fully visible when opened

PASS/FAIL Criteria

  • PASS: Regardless of the phone dimensions chosen, enough of the map is visible when zoomed out so that navigating the map is comfortable, and all relevant elements and information are easily readable.
  • FAIL: The map feels cluttered even when zoomed out to the limit, feedback form is not fully visible, or popup info is not eaily readable on all screens. One or more of the steps behave in unexpected ways.