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TC011 001

Test Case ID TC011-001
Author/Designer Alan Ousi
Date of creation 27.06.2023
Class functional

Test description/objective

This test case aims to validate the submission functionality of the feedback form on the Tukko website. It checks whether the form correctly processes and handles user feedback, ensuring that the submitted feedback is received.

Test pre-state

  • The feedback form is accessible and ready for user input.

Test steps

Step description Expected result
1. Open the Tukko website This should navigate you to the Tukko website
2. Locate the feedback button and click it This should open up a feedback form
3. Enter valid feedback into the appropriate fields The feedback is entered without any errors or validation issues
4. Click on "submit" button A confirmation message is displayed on the screen, indicating that the feedback was successfully submitted. The form will also clear all the previous user input.
5. Open up Traffic Visualizer gitlab issues and locate the feedback Feedback should be displayed here

Test end-state

  • The test was run successfully and without problems.

To be taken into account during test

  • Notion 1
  • Notion 2

Test result (Pass/Fail Criteria)

  • PASS condition: Feedback is able to be sent without problems and is received correctly in gitlab.
  • FAIL condition: Either one of the above fails