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TC011 002

Test Case ID TC011-002
Author/Designer Otto Nordling
Date of creation 30.06.2023
Class functional

Test description / objective

This test case aims to make sure that no empty submissions can be made in the feedback form.

Test pre-state

  • The feedback form is accessible and ready for user input.

Test steps

Step description Expected result
1. Open the Tukko website This should navigate you to the Tukko website
2. Locate the feedback button and click it This should open up a feedback form
3. Hit submit without entering anything in the text fields An error dialog pops up to tell the user to fill both text fields
4. Enter a normal string of text in the 'Title' text field and hit submit An error dialog pops up to tell the user to fill both text fields
5. Remove all text from the 'Title text field, enter a normal string of text in the 'Enter the description' text field and hit submit An error dialog pops up to tell the user to fill both text fields
5. Fill both feedback text fields with normal strings of text and hit submit Feedback is sent, a dialog pops up to thank the user for the feedback, and the feedback text fields are emptied out

Test end-state

  • The test was run successfully and without problems.

To be taken into account during the test

  • Notion 1
  • Notion 2

Test result (Pass/Fail Criteria)

  • PASS condition: Feedback is not accepted until both fields are filled
  • FAIL condition: Feedback is accepted before both fields are filled, or feedback is not accepted even when both fields are filled