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TC017-001 - TMS Show 5-min averages

Test Case ID TC017-001
Author Otto Nordling
Date of creation 19.07.2023
Class Functional
Type Performance

Test Description/Objective

This test case verifies that 5-minute average speeds are displayed within markers.

This test is based on the following feature requirement:

Test Pre-state


Test steps

# Action Expected result
1 Open Tukko website This should navigate to the website and display markers all over Finland
2 Click one of the markers This should open up a pop up tooltip that display 2 different choices to you
3 Click one of the direction's that is provided to you upon clicking the marker open This should display the traffic data on direction that you have chosen
5 Repeate step 3 to the other direction as well The traffic data should update the same way on the other side as well
6 Repeate steps 2-3 to other markers as well Every marker should provide you and update you accurate data every one minute

To be taken into account during the test

The average speed of vehicles in the tooltip, and the speed attached to 'Avg/5min' in the popup with more detailed data should match.

PASS/FAIL Criteria

  • PASS: The markers display their own average km/h.
  • FAIL: The 5 min average is not shown where it's supposed to or the 5 min average speed in the tooltip and popup do not match.