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TC022 001

Test Case Description Verify that the application is accessible to color blind people
Test Case ID TC022-001
Author/Designer Otto Nordling
Date of Creation 29.06.2023
Class Accessibility

Test Description/Objective

The objective of this test is to verify that each element is clearly visible even if the user has colour blindness or low contrast vision.

Test Pre-state


Test Steps

Step No. Step Description Expected Result
1 Open the Tukko website with Firefox The website should load with the map and the relevant buttons visible
2 Press F12 Firefox developer tools should open
3 Click on the 'Accessibility' tab in developer tools Accessibility tab in the dev tools should open
4 Under 'Simulate', change 'None' to 'Protanopia (no red)' The map should be displayed in the way that someone with protanopia would see it
5 Under 'Simulate', pick 'Deuteranopia (no green)' The map should be displayed in the way that someone with deuteranopia would see it
6 Under 'Simulate', pick 'Tritanopia (no blue)' The map should be displayed in the way that someone with tritanopia would see it
7 Under 'Simulate', pick 'Achromatopsia (no colour)' The map should be displayed in the way that someone with achromatopsia would see it
8 Under 'Simulate', pick 'Contrast loss' The map should be displayed in the way that someone suffering from contrast loss would see it
9 Evaluate if every element was clearly visible in each simulated mode Plans will be made for colour changes if each element is not distinguishable enough

To be taken into account during the test

  • Other forms of colour blindness still exist

Test Result (Pass/Fail Criteria)

  • PASS condition: Each element on the application is clearly distinguishable in each simulated mode
  • FAIL condition: Not every element is clearly distinguishable from other elements