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TC022 002

Test Case Description Verify the functionality of the dark mode toggle
Test Case ID TC022-002
Author/Designer Alan Ousi
Date of Creation 28.06.2023
Class Functional

Test Description/Objective

The objective of this test is to verify that the dark mode toggle switches the website between light and dark modes as intended.

Test Pre-state


Test Steps

Step No. Step Description Expected Result
1 Open the Tukko website The website should load in the default mode (light mode)
2 Locate the dark mode toggle button The dark mode toggle button should be visible and accessible
3 Click on the dark mode toggle button The website should switch to dark mode
4 Verify the appearance of the website The website's colors, text, and elements should be adjusted to reflect the dark mode
5 Click on the dark mode toggle button again The website should switch back to the default mode (light mode)
6 Verify the appearance of the website The website's colors, text, and elements should revert to the default mode

To be taken into account during test

  • Ensure the dark mode toggle button is clearly visible and accessible.
  • Verify that the website's elements and text are appropriately adjusted in both light and dark modes.

Test Result (Pass/Fail Criteria)

  • PASS condition: The website transitions correctly between light and dark modes, and the appearance of the website reflects the selected mode.
  • FAIL condition: The website does not switch modes properly, or the appearance of the website does not align with the selected mode.