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TC023 001

Test Case ID TC023-002
Author Alan Ousi
Date of creation 19.07.2023
Class Functional
Type Compliance

Test Description/Objective

This test case verifies if the zoom to clusters functionality works as intended.

This test is based on the following feature requirement:

Test Pre-state

  1. The application is running.
  2. The map view is displayed with clusters visible.

Test steps

# Action Expected result
1 Open the Tukko website The map view with clusters is displayed.
2 Locate a cluster on the map. The cluster should be clearly visible.
3 Click the cluster The map zooms in smoothly, and the cluster expands to show individual markers.
4 Zoom out of the cluster using your scroll wheel or other methods The map zooms out smoothly to display the cluster again.
5 Verify that the cluster remains visible at various zoom levels. The cluster should adapt its appearance based on the zoom level to maintain visibility.

To be taken into account during test


PASS/FAIL Criteria

  • PASS: Test steps 2 to 5 are completed successfully, and the cluster zooming works as expected.
  • FAIL: Any of the test steps 2 to 5 fail, or the cluster zooming behavior is not as intended.