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User guide for Tukko

Tukko's logo by Salla Oravamäki

Introduction Video

Short description of Tukko

Tukko is a software application designed to visualize the status of traffic on a map. With this application, the user can see where traffic flow may be inhibited and plan their route accordingly. On top of traffic flow, the user also has access to other types of information, like the number of cars on a given road with LAM ("Liikenteen Automaattiset Mittaustiedot" or "automatic measurement data of traffic") stations, and locations where road work is being carried out.

Target group

Tukko is targeted toward people who are on the road a lot, like truckers and commuters, as well as people who enjoy the occasional road trip. Tukko may also prove to be useful to city officials in charge of designing traffic infrastructure or its maintenance as the application may reveal where traffic doesn't flow in an intended manner.

Basic functionalities

Hold down the left mouse button on the map and move your mouse to move around the map. On mobile, this function can be performed by simply holding down the map and moving one's finger.

Zooming in and out of the map can be done in a couple of different ways. The plus (+) and minus (-) buttons on the top left corner of the screen can be clicked to get a closer or farther view respectively. Furthermore, the mouse wheel can be scrolled to zoom in and out. On touchscreen devices, the same can be done by pinching the screen.



The state of the traffic is displayed to the user with markers. Each marker consists of two halves depicting the flow of the traffic in each of the two directions. These colors vary from green to yellow, and then to red. The green on the markers depicts traffic flow being as about as expected, while the red tells the user that the flow of traffic is much lower than expected.

Some markers have a small yellow icon next to them. This icon tells the user that there are road works in the area, which may affect traffic. The user gets more information by clicking the marker.

Marker tooltips

tooltip default

Clicking on a marker opens a tooltip that shows basic traffic data to the user. The tooltip is divided into four quarters: the two at the top tell the major directions of each side of the road, and the quarters below tell how many vehicles have traveled in the directions mentioned above within the last hour. Furthermore, the left and right sides of the popup can be clicked to see more detailed information about the traffic in the chosen direction.

tooltip road works

If the marker has road works information, the user can scroll down the tooltip to see more detailed information about them. These details reveal the period over which the road works have been planned to take. The type of road work and possible traffic restrictions caused by the road works are also detailed here.

Marker popups


Clicking on either half of the tooltip icon grid opens a popup with more detailed traffic information. Traffic data will be displayed in the popup in the following order:

  • Vehicles/h: The number of vehicles in the past hour.
  • km/h: The average speed of vehicles in the past hour.
  • Vehicles/h: The number of vehicles in the past 5 minutes extrapolated to an hour.
  • Avg/5min: The average speed of vehicles in the past 5 minutes.
  • Traffic flow: The average speed percentage of the road free-flow speed for the last five minutes. A value of 90% higher means that traffic is flowing fluently. Lower percentages mean that traffic flow is hindered.
  • Traffic amount: Percentage of vehicles passed during a given 60-minute window from the maximum amount of vehicles per hour

The button with "Open History Data" written on it may be clicked to view traffic data from recent history.

History data

history data

The modal that opens when history data has check boxes for vehicle count, average speed, and vehicle count relative to capacity in each direction. Checking these boxes will fill up the bottom of the modal with data from recent history. By hovering over the circular data points on the graph, a detailed value of the graphed data at the recorded time is displayed.

The range of the recorded data can be changed from the dropdown menu labeled "Time Range". The time range can be switched between "Today", "Yesterday", "Last Week", and "Last Month". The graph will automatically adjust when a new time range is chosen.



The blue circles on a zoomed-out map are marker clusters. Each cluster contains the amount of close-by markers shown by the number on the cluster. These clusters can be clicked to zoom in on them, which causes the markers and possibly smaller clusters from inside the clicked cluster to spread on the map.

Draw tools

draw tools

The buttons for the draw tools can be found on the top left of the screen, just below the '+' and '-' buttons. With these drawing tools, a rectangle, a polygon, or a circle can be drawn to hide all markers and clusters not inside the drawn area. The eraser tool is used to remove any of the drawn layers and to return every one of the previously hidden markers.

A rectangle or a circle is drawn by clicking two separate points on the map after the rectangle or circle draw tool has been activated. To draw a polygon, at least three different points must be drawn. In case of an accidental click when drawing a polygon, 'Remove Last Vertex' next to the 'Draw Polygons' button may be clicked to undo the latest point drawn on the map. To finish drawing a polygon, either click the first point again or click on 'Finish' next to the 'Draw Polygons' button.

Dark mode

dark mode toggle

Tukko features a dark mode, which changes the color scheme of the map and its elements to make the application easy to look at even in the dark. To swap between the light and dark modes, click on the dark mode toggle which can be found beneath the draw tools on the left.

Feedback form

feedback form

The feedback form is an easy way for the users to send feedback to the developers. To give feedback, first, click on the speech bubble underneath the dark mode toggle. This opens up the full feedback form where the user is expected to fill out a feedback title and description before hitting submit. All feedback is submitted directly to the developers' git repository where they can find easily find it and turn it into a ticket if it needs to be actioned on.

Language selection

language selector

Tukko currently supports two languages: Finnish and English. The active language is shown by the flag icon on the bottom right, and the language can be swapped by clicking the flag icon.

Project information

wimma lab and iotitude logos

At the bottom right of the map, the logos for WIMMA Lab and Iotitude can be seen. These image links lead to the WIMMA Lab and Tukko documentation websites respectively. From these links, the user can find information about the WIMMA Lab environment where the application was created, the team behind Tukko, and the Tukko application itself.

Security aspects

See our GDPR statement.