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Communication Plan

Document Communication Plan
Author: Mysticons
Version: 2.0
Date: 30.05.2023


This document holds the information of the ways Mysticons communicate with stakeholders, WIMMA Lab teams and other connections. This includes the communication within the team as well. Good communication is the foundation for fluent project work and helps to achieve the team's objectives.

General Communications Channels

Most of the communication is done in WIMMA Lab’s Discord server. Networking with people and some of the communication is focused on LinkedIn. If needed, other communication methods, such as email, will also be used. An "emergency" Whatsapp -group is set up for the team but is only used in very urgent or sudden situations.

Mysticons team leader attends the daily team leader scrum at 09:00. Once finished, Mysticons will have their own scrum where everybody will share their current task progress, difficulties and feelings about it. We will also agree on daily tasks and adjustments during these meetings. Furthermore, Mysticons use the GitLab ticketing system as well as retrospect meetings after each sprint to check up on progress, general thoughts and emotional side.

Wimma Lab Discord -server can be accessed here.