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Profile: Company X

Company X Employee

Illustration of employee

Eelis The Employee - Company X

  • Age group: 21-65
  • Role: End user
  • Background: Eelis is employed at an ICT company based in Finland. With several years of experience in the ICT industry, he has worked in various organizations gaining valuable expertise in the field.

Motivation for service

  • Eelis wants to use the Skill Collector as a tool to bridge the gap between academia and the tech industry in Finland. He aims to improve the quality of new hires by ensuring that graduates possess the necessary skills required by the industry.

  • Additionally, Eelis's boss has requested him to complete a survey, as they see the service as a means to recruit more competent university graduates in the future.


  • Usability
  • User-Centricity
  • Security and Privacy


  • Eelis has no prior knowledge of Skill framework.
  • Eelis has never used Skill Collector before.
  • Eelis is a tech-savvy person and prefers to use desktop to browse the Internet.