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Use Case # 1 Creation of Hashes, Automated Email Generation and Delivery

  • Author: Valeriia Grebneva
  • Date / Version: 25/05/2023


  1. Product Owner: The individual responsible for managing the product and collecting user information.
  2. Excel: A spreadsheet application used by the Product Owner to store user data.
  3. Power Automate: A cloud-based service used for automating workflows and generating emails.
  4. Skill Collector Database: A database system that stores associated hashes and user's responses.
  5. Email Client: The email service or application.
  6. User: The individual who will receive the generated hash and access the service.

Prerequisites / Conditions

  1. Product Owner recieves a personal information of the user, such as name, email and the company they work for. This information is obtained through a face-to-face meeting or another reliable means.
  2. The User is informed and gives consent to the Product Owner regarding the usage of their personal information for the intended purposes.

Use Case Diagram

Description of use case

  1. The Product Owner manually enters the personal information of the future user into the Excel file. This information typically includes the user's full name, email address, and the company they are affiliated with.
  2. After entering the information, the Product Owner generates a hash for the User. This hash serves as a unique identifier and helps protect the user's sensitive information.
  3. The new entry in the Excel sheet triggers an event through Power Automate to update the Skill Collector Database with the generated hash.
  4. Upon updating the Database, an event is triggered to generate an email using Power Automate. The email contains relevant details such as the generated hash, link to the service and a personalized message.
  5. The Email Client, integrated with Power Automate, sends the email to the User's provided email address.
  6. The User receives the email, which includes the generated hash and a link to access the service. The User can click on the link and proceed to access the service securely.


  • Invalid User Information - If the Product Owner receives incomplete or inaccurate user information, such as missing name or email. The use case cannot proceed until valid and complete information is provided.

  • Database Update Failure - If there is a failure in updating the Skill Collector Database with the generated hash, such as connection issues or database errors, the system should handle the error and provide appropriate feedback. The Product Owner should be alerted about the failure, and a mechanism should be in place to retry or handle the data synchronization process.

  • Email Generation Failure - If the automated email generation process using Power Automate encounters an error, such as connection problems or email service unavailability, the system should handle the error and provide appropriate feedback. The Product Owner should be notified about the failure, and a mechanism should be in place to retry the email generation or send a manual notification if required.

  • Email Delivery Failure - If the Email Client fails to deliver the generated email to the User due to network issues, recipient email errors, or any other delivery-related problems, the system should handle the error and provide appropriate feedback. The Product Owner should be informed about the failure, and a mechanism should be in place to retry the email delivery or use an alternate communication method if necessary.

  • User Consent Withdrawal - If the User withdraws their consent for the usage of their personal information or requests their data to be deleted from the system, the Product Owner should comply with the request promptly. The use case should be halted, and the User's information should be removed from the Excel file, Skill Collector Database, and any other relevant systems.


  • The User receives the generated hash and can use it to access the service securely. The hash serves as a unique identifier for the User, ensuring their privacy and protecting their personal information.

Use frequency

  • This use case is executed every time the Product Owner encounters a potential user and requires their personal information to provide access to the service.

Additional information

  • Describe other relevant information related to the use case, such as open issues, references to the codes used, etc.


This wiki-document is based on the The public administration recommendations

Thanks to the original authors.