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Use Case # 2 User's Access and Interaction with the service

  • Author: Valeriia Grebneva
  • Date / Version: 25/05/2023


  1. User. The individual who intends to access and interact with the service.
  2. Email Client. The email service or application.
  3. Skill Collector. The service responsible for conducting the skill survey.
  4. Skill Collector Data Base. The database system where user responses are stored with corresponding hashes.
  5. Power Automate. The tool or used for workflow automation and integration.

Prerequisites / Conditions

  1. Use Case # 1 (Creation of Hashes, Automated Email Generation, and Delivery) must be performed first to generate the user's personal hash and email them the link to the service.
  2. The User should be adequately informed about the purposes and nature of the service before accessing it.

Use Case Diagram

Description of use case

  1. The User receives an email containing their personal hash and a link to the service. This email is sent via the Email Client as a result of Use Case # 1 .
  2. The User clicks on the link to access the service.
  3. Upon accessing the service, the system verifies the validity of the hash.
  4. IF the hash is valid, the User gains access to the service and can proceed with interacting with it.
  5. If the hash is not valid, the User receives an error message indicating the invalidity of the hash. The User is unable to proceed until a valid hash is provided.
  6. The User interacts with the service, which involve answering survey.
  7. The service (Skill Collector) requests permission from the User to store their responses in the Skill Collector Database for future research purposes.
  8. User gives permission to store and use the data for future research.
  9. The service stores the User's responses in the Skill Collector Database securely, associating them with the User's unique identifier (hash).


  • Invalid Hash - If the hash provided by the User is invalid or does not match any existing valid hashes in the system, the service should display an error message indicating the invalid hash. The User will be unable to proceed until a valid hash is provided.

  • Service Unavailability - If the service or platform (Skill Collector) is temporarily unavailable due to maintenance, server issues, or other technical problems, the User may encounter difficulties accessing or interacting with the service. In such cases, the system should display an appropriate error message informing the User about the temporary unavailability and suggest trying again later.

  • Permission Declined - If the User declines to give permission for their responses to be stored and used for future research, the system should handle this scenario accordingly. The service should display a message indicating that the User's responses will not be stored and inform them about any limitations or consequences of not granting permission.

  • Data Storage Failure - In the event of a failure while storing the User's responses in the Skill Collector Database, such as database errors or connection issues, the system should handle the error gracefully. The User should be informed about the failure.


  • The process of User's access and interaction with the service is smooth and user-friendly.
  • The User's responses are successfully collected and stored in the Skill Collector Database for future research purposes.

Use frequency

  • This use case is executed every time a User interacts with the service, allowing for the collection and storage of their responses in the Skill Collector Database.

Additional information


This wiki-document is based on the The public administration recommendations

Thanks to the original authors.