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Use Case # 3 Skill Survey and Response Storage

  • Author: Valeriia Grebneva
  • Date / Version: 25/05/2023


  1. User. The individual who participates in the skill survey and provides their responses.
  2. Skill Collector. The service responsible for conducting the skill survey.
  3. Skill Data Base. The database that stores the Skills Framework for the Information Age (Skill) data, which defines various professional skills.
  4. Skill Collector Data base. The database system where user responses and associated hashes are stored.
  5. Excel. A spreadsheet application used for data entry.

Prerequisites / Conditions

  1. The User must have access to the Skill Collector service or platform to participate in the skill survey.
  2. The Skill Collector must be connected to the Skill Database to retrieve relevant skill information.

Use Case Diagram

Description of use case

  1. The User accesses the Skill Collector service to participate in a skill survey.
  2. The Skill Collector presents the User with survey questions and options related to various professional skills.
  3. The User provides responses.
  4. The Skill Collector retrieves skill information from the Skill Database to assist the User in understanding the skill categories and their associated levels.
  5. The User submits their responses to the Skill Collector platform.
  6. he Skill Collector validates and stores the User's responses in the Skill Collector Database, associating them with the User's unique identifier (hash).
  7. Optionally, the Skill Collector may update the Excel file or other relevant systems to maintain a backup or provide additional reporting capabilities.


  • Invalid Responses - If the User provides invalid or incomplete responses in the skill survey, such as missing required fields or selecting inappropriate options, the Skill Collector should display an error message and prompt the User to correct their responses before submission.

  • Skill Database Unavailable - If the connection to the Skill Database fails or the database is temporarily unavailable, the Skill Collector should handle the error gracefully. The system should display an appropriate error message informing the User about the unavailability of skill information and suggest trying again later.

  • Data Storage Failure - In case of a failure while storing the User's skill survey responses in the Skill Collector Database, such as database errors or connection issues, the system should handle the error gracefully.


  • The User's skill survey responses are successfully collected and stored in the Skill Collector Database.
  • The responses are associated with the User's unique identifier or account, allowing for future analysis and reporting.

Use frequency

  • This use case is executed whenever a User participates in the skill survey through the Skill Collector service.

Additional information


This wiki-document is based on the The public administration recommendations

Thanks to the original authors.