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Use Case # 4 Data Visualization

  • Author: Valeriia Grebneva
  • Date / Version: 25/05/2023


  1. Power BI: Business intelligence and data visualization tool used for analyzing and presenting data.
  2. API: Application Programming Interface that enables communication between different software systems.
  3. Skill Collector Database: The database system that stores the collected skill survey responses.
  4. Product Owner: The individual or role responsible for managing and making decisions based on the collected data.

Prerequisites / Conditions

  1. Skill survey responses must be collected and stored in the Skill Collector Database (as described in Use Case # 3 ).
  2. Power BI must be connected to the Skill Collector Database through an API.

Use Case Diagram

Description of use case

  1. The Product Owner initiates the data visualization process using Power BI.
  2. Power BI establishes a connection with the Skill Collector Database through the API or other integration method.
  3. Power BI retrieves the necessary data from the Skill Collector Database, including the collected skill survey responses.
  4. Power BI processes and transforms the data to generate meaningful visualizations, such as charts, graphs, or dashboards.
  5. The Product Owner interacts with the visualizations, exploring and analyzing the data to gain insights and make informed decisions.
  6. Power BI provides features for filtering, sorting, and drilling down into the data to support in-depth analysis.
  7. The Product Owner may export or share the visualizations with stakeholders or colleagues for collaborative decision-making.


  • Data Retrieval Failure - If there is a failure in retrieving data from the Skill Collector Database through the API or integration method.

  • Skill Database Unavailable - If the connection to the Skill Database fails or the database is temporarily unavailable, the Skill Collector should handle the error gracefully. The system should display an appropriate error message informing the User about the unavailability of skill information and suggest trying again later.

  • Data Storage Failure - In case of a failure while storing the User's skill survey responses in the Skill Collector Database, such as database errors or connection issues, the system should handle the error gracefully.


  • The data collected from the skill survey is transformed into visualizations using Power BI.
  • The Product Owner can analyze and interpret the data more effectively through visual representations.
  • Data-driven insights obtained from the visualizations support informed decision-making and strategic planning.

Use frequency

  • This use case is executed as needed, typically when the Product Owner wants to analyze and visualize the collected skill survey data for reporting, monitoring, or decision-making purposes.

Additional information


This wiki-document is based on the The public administration recommendations

Thanks to the original authors.