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FEA04-GDPR-Info 1.0

Feature ID FEA04
Subsystem User interface
Responsible person Iina Pirinen / Niko Karvinen
Status Completed


GDPR Information feature provides the end user with the information about their data protection rights and how their data is managed by the Skill Collector.

User Requirements

  • User has to be informed about ALL information that is collected about the user.
  • User has to be informed how the collected data is used.
  • User has to be informed where collected data is saved.
  • GDPR statement should include how the data is handled by services like Microsoft Power BI and

Technical Requirements

  • GDPR info has to be implemented in the Skill Collector service
Name Description
Use Case 1 Provide info about general data protection rights and data management during service

User Stories

  • #76 - Rewrite GDPR info

User interface

GDPR mockup

User Acceptance

  • The GDPR info feature should meet the requirements and expectations of the process owner.
  • The GDPR info feature should be tested and validated by the process owner before being released.


Test case Test source Responsible
TC-04-001 - GDPR statement FEA04-GDPR-Info 1.0 Alena Galysheva

Acceptance Criteria

Acceptance Criteria Notes
GDPR info is clear and easy to understand.
GDPR info contains correct information about what data Skill Collector and its associated software collect.
GDPR has correct contact information (the user knows who to contact if they have any questions)
GDPR info is available in every page in same place