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Feature ID FEA06
Subsystem Server
Responsible person Niko Karvinen
Status Completed


Skill Collector application is containerized with Docker and runs in Docker containers.

User Requirements

  • Developers should be able to start the environment using Docker containers.
  • Developers should be able to set up the service by running the docker-compose up command.

Technical Requirements

  • Docker should run on both development and production servers.
  • Express web server should be running in a Docker container.
Name Description
Use Case 1 Service is deployed and running in the production environment in docker containers.

Preliminary user stories

  • #68 US028 - As a service administrator, I want to run the service in Docker so that it's easy to build and deploy the service to the server.

Testing / possible acceptance criteria

Test case Test source Responsible
Test case 1 for the tester Requirement ID?

Acceptance Criteria

Acceptance Criteria Notes
The service can be set up by running the docker-compose up command.
The Dockerfile builds successfully and generates the desired Docker image.
The image includes all the necessary dependencies and libraries required for the service.
The container starts up without any errors or issues.
Documentation exists for building, deploying, and maintaining the containerized service.
Instructions for running the service locally or in a production environment are provided.