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Feature ID FEA07
Subsystem Testing
Responsible person Alena Galysheva
Status In Progress


Automated regression tests will validate any changes or updates made to the Skill Collector, ensuring that the overall functionality of the service and existing features remains unaffected.

User Requirements

  • Service needs regression testing implemented so we can be sure, that new updates doesn't break functionality of the service

Technical Requirements

  • Use Robot Framework for testing. Libraries: Selenium, Browser
  • Regression testing has to be automated

User interface

An Overflow placeholder banner.

User Acceptance

  • The service regression test feature should meet the requirements and expectations of the process owner.
  • The service regression test feature should be tested and validated by the process owner.
Test case Test source Responsible
Test case 1 Requirement ID?

Acceptance Criteria

Acceptance Criteria Notes
The automated regression tests cover a significant portion of the software's functionality, including critical features, edge cases, and commonly used workflows.
The automated regression test suite is stable and reliable, producing consistent results across different test runs and environments.
The automated regression tests executes within an acceptable timeframe, allowing for efficient testing and quick feedback on the software's regression status.
The tests are designed to run in various environments and configurations, ensuring compatibility across different platforms, browsers, operating systems, and database systems.
The automated regression test framework provides clear and detailed reports of test results, including information on test status (pass/fail), test coverage, and any identified issues.
The regression test suite is easy to maintain, update, and expand as the software evolves.
Test cases are modular, reusable, and well-documented to facilitate future enhancements.
The automated regression tests does not depend on specific test data or external dependencies that may change or introduce inconsistencies between test runs.
In case of test failures, the automated regression testing framework provides sufficient information to investigate and identify the root cause of the failure, enabling efficient debugging and issue resolution.