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Feature ID FEA20
Subsystem User interface
Responsible person Niko Karvinen
Status Completed


A view where the end user can read specific information and description of the hard and soft skill in the ICT industry.

User requirements

  • The end user should have the ability to browse and explore all the skills from the SKILL db (database developed by the IoTitude team).

  • Skills should be presented with their complete names for clear identification.

  • A detailed description for each skill must be available, explaining its significance and relevance.

  • To enhance user experience, hovering over an icon next to a skill name should provide instant access to its description.

  • Skills should be divided into different categories.

Technical requirements

  • Skill names and descriptions should be pulled from the SKILL database developed by the IoTitude team.
Use Case 2 The end user interacts with the Skill Collector UI by answering the survey.
Use Case 3 The Skill Collector retrieves skill information from the SKILL Database and displays it to the end user.

Preliminary user stories

  • #29 US001 - As a service UI/UX designer, I want to revisit the beginning of the skill selection page.
  • #32 US004 - As an end user, I want to easily spot the tooltip so that I access and read the descriptions of skills.
  • #33 US005 - As the process owner, I want to revisit the phrasing throughout the website so that the end users can easily understand the content.
  • #36 US008 - As an end user, I want the soft and hard skills to be separated into different pages so that the survey feels less overwhelming.
  • #53 US014 - As the end user, I want to see all skills available for me to select as well as their descriptions.

User interface mock-up

Info icon mockup


Test case Test source Responsible
TC-20-001 - Skills displayed FEA20-skill-info-view Alena Galysheva

Acceptance Criteria

Acceptance Criteria Notes
All hard and soft skills should be displayed. None should be missing.
Hovering the mouse over the icon displays the description of the Skill.
The skill's info is not displayed if the user does not move the mouse over the icon.
The skill's info disappears from view when the user moves the mouse over the icon.
The info appears quickly and smoothly when the user hovers over the trigger, without any noticeable delay or lag.
The info is positioned near the trigger in a visually pleasing and unobtrusive manner, without overlapping other elements on the page or obstructing the user's view.
The displayed info belongs to the Skill in question
The text within the info is easily readable, with appropriate font size, color, and contrast to ensure good legibility.
Skill info can be opened using only the keyboard
The info functions correctly and appear consistently across different web browsers (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Safari).
All skills should be pulled from the Skills Database (no hardcoding and not using the old database).
Skills should be grouped by the categories defined for them in the database (each skill in the database has a category assigned to it)
Hard and soft skills should be displayed on separate pages