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Feature ID FEA21
Subsystem User interface
Responsible person Niko Karvinen
Status Completed


A view where the users can select the skills they need in their companies.

User requirements

  • FEA20-skill-info-view must be implemented.
  • User must use a hash for authentication.
  • Companies should be able to rate the skills based on their importance and relevance to their organization.
  • The end user should be able to fill in the survey without needing to seek for guidance from external sources.
  • The survey instructions should be clear, concise and easy to access.
  • User has 20 choices available for the survey. (5) most important, (5) important, (5) valuable, (5) future view.
  • User can add each skill to only 1 category.
  • User is able to cancel their selection and select different skills.
  • End user should be notified when they selected the maximum amount of skills in each category.
  • The navigation bar should be user-friendly and easy to use.

Technical requirements

  • Service has to be optimized for desktops.
  • Service has to use an accessible color palette and fonts.
  • User interface should be clear and easy to navigate.
Use Case # 2 User Access and Interaction with the service The end user gains access to the service and interacts with it by selecting the skills.
Use Case # 3 Skill Survey and Response Storage The end user uses the skill selection view to respond to the survey.

Preliminary user stories

  • #36 US008 - As an end user, I want the soft and hard skills to be separated into different pages so that the survey feels less overwhelming.
  • #37 US009 - As an end user, I want to receive a notification when I have selected the maximum number of skills in a category.
  • #39 US011 - As the end user, I want "Submit" button to have a different color as the color yellow confused me

User interface

Skill view mockup


Test case Test source Responsible
TC-21-001 - Hard skill selection FEA21-skill-selection-view Alena Galysheva
TC-21-002 - Concurrent sessions FEA21-skill-selection-view Alena Galysheva

Acceptance Criteria

Acceptance Criteria Notes
The user can choose ONLY 5 future need, 5 most important, 5 important and 5 valuable skills.
The user can choose ONLY 20 skills.
The user can add each skill to only 1 category.
The user can remove the selection.
After the user has selected all 20 Skills, they cannot select any more.
After user has selected all 5 Skills from category, they can see a message / notification that "5 Skills selected successfully".
Skill selections can be made only using the keyboard.
The user can have only 1 active session. So, as the end user, you can't connect to the Skill Collector from multiple devices, multiple browsers and/or browser tabs (so same browser is used on the same device, the website is open in more than 1 tab) using the same hash. One active session at the time. This must not affect the following scenario: "User fills the survey, user (accidentally) closes the Skill Collector tab, the user opens Skill Collector again in the same browser, their session information/answers are saved on the browser side (not in the database)."