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Feature ID FEA30
Subsystem User interface
Responsible person Niko Karvinen
Status Completed


Progress bar shows the current progress for the end user filling the survey.

User requirements

  • User is able to see how many skills they have selected so far and how many skills they have to select.
  • Each skill category progress should be tracked separately.
  • Skill selection tracker should update every time a skill is selected or deselected.
Use Case # 2 User Access and Interaction with the service The end user gains access to the service and interacts with it by selecting the skills.
Use Case # 3 Skill Survey and Response Storage The end user uses the skill selection view to respond to the survey.

Preliminary user stories

  • #31 US003 - As an end user, I want the progress track to be removed from the top right corner so that it can be displayed in a more convenient and visible location.

User interface

Progress bar mockup


Test case Test source Responsible
TC-30-001 - Progress bar FEA30-Progress-Bar Alena Galysheva

User acceptance

  • The feature should meet the requirements and expectations of JAMK university personnel.
  • The feature should be tested and validated by JAMK university personnel before being released.
Test case Test source Responsible
Test case 1 Requirement ID?

Acceptance Criteria

Acceptance Criteria Notes
The progress bar is clearly visible to the user and provides a visual indication of progress.
The progress bar updates in real-time or at regular intervals to reflect the actual progress.
When the user selects the maximum number of Skills, the progress bar reaches 100% (5/5, 3/3) and indicates the completion of the task.
The progress bar is accessible to users with disabilities, including proper labeling for screen readers and meeting color contrast guidelines.
The progress bar should be easy to notice and communicate the progress clearly. As the end user, you should look at it and immediately understand why the bar is there and what it represents.
Progress bar should be responsive and adjust to different desktop screen sizes/resolutions. This does not include responsiveness for mobile devices.