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Feature ID FEA31
Subsystem Database
Responsible person Niko Karvinen / Justus Hänninen (from IoTitude)
Status Implemented / In testing


The data importer feature is designed to establish a connection with the Skill database and retrieve relevant data through the utilization of the database API. This data is then presented in the skill selection view, providing users with a list of skills and their descriptions.

User Requirements

  • Every Skill and soft skill should be displayed in the skill selection view
  • Every skill displayed should have a correct description
  • Skills should not have their levels displayed

Technical Requirements

  • Skills should be pulled from the Skill database using API
Use Case # 2 User Access and Interaction with the service The end user gains access to the service and interacts with it by selecting the skills.
Use Case # 3 Skill Survey and Response Storage The end user uses the skill selection view to respond to the survey.

Preliminary user stories

Write preliminary user stories here.

  • #52 US013 - As a service developer, I want to use an API to connect to the database.
  • #53 US014 - As the end user, I want to see all skills available for me to select as well as their descriptions.


Write down some notions for testing.

Test case Test source Responsible
Test case 1 Requirement ID?

Acceptance Criteria

Acceptance Criteria Notes
The imported data maintains its integrity during the import process. This means that the data is accurately transferred from the Skill database without any loss or corruption.
The imported data should be accurate and reflect the latest information from the Skill database. Any changes made in the Skill database is correctly reflected in Skill Collector.
The import process is efficient and performant. The time taken to import the data is within acceptable limits.
If an error occurs, meaningful error messages is provided to users.
The imported data is mapped to the appropriate fields and components in the front-end.