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Feature ID FEA40
Subsystem User interface
Responsible person Niko Karvinen
Status In Progress


The language selection option allows the end users to choose whether they want to use the English or Finnish interface. Users will be able to switch between languages seamlessly on every page. While the SFIA skills and descriptions will remain in their original language (English), the user interface and content will be translated to accommodate Finnish-speaking users. The feedback system will continue to be in English.

User requirements

  • Skill Collector web interface should be available in Finnish and English
  • User should be able to change the language of the website on every page of the website

Preliminary user stories

  • #55 US015 - As the end user, I want to be able to use the website in Finnish since it's my native language and I have easier time understanding it.
  • #56 US016 - As the end user, I want to be able to change the website language at every page.

User interface

Language selection mockup


Test case Test source Responsible
TC-40-001 - Language Selection: Home FEA-40-language-selection-option Alena Galysheva
TC-40-002 - Language Selection: Skill Selection FEA-40-language-selection-option Alena Galysheva
TC-40-003 - Language Selection: Persistence FEA-40-language-selection-option Alena Galysheva

Acceptance Criteria

Acceptance Criteria Notes
The database is ready for different languages.
Skill Collector is designed in such a way that changing the language will be successful in the future.