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Feature ID FEA42
Subsystem Data processing
Responsible person Valeriia Grebneva
Status In progress


The Power BI service analytics feature involves retrieving survey response data from the Skill Collector database and visualizing it with Power BI. The goal is to create impactful visual representations (graphs, charts, and dashboards) that provide valuable insights into the patterns in the skill selection process of the end users to the process owner.

User requirements

  • All data collected by the Skill Collector should be analyzed and visualized.
  • Generated graphics should be clear, visually appealing, and easy to interpret.
  • Power BI should use the most up-to-date data.

Technical requirements

  • Use Power BI for data analysis and visualization tasks.

Security requirements

  • Secure data transfer measures should be implemented to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of data during transmission.
  • This feature should be mentioned in the GDPR statement to ensure compliance with data protection regulations.
Use Case # 4 Data Visualization Power BI processes and transforms the data to generate meaningful visualizations, such as charts, graphs, or dashboards.

Preliminary user stories

  • #60 US020 - As a process owner, I want to have visual representation of the responses collected because it highlights the trends in the data.
  • #61 US021 - As a data analyst, I want to fetch data from the database so that it can be processed in Power BI.

User interface

PowerBI interface

PowerBI interface

PowerBI interface

The documentation for Power BI can be found here.


Test case Test source Responsible
Test case 1 Requirement ID?

Acceptance Criteria

Acceptance Criteria Notes
The visualizations accurately represent the underlying data without any distortions or misinterpretations.
The values, labels, and scales are correct and aligned with the source data.
The visualizations are clear and easy to understand, allowing users to quickly grasp the information presented.
The choice of colors, fonts, and layout enhances readability and avoid visual clutter.
The visualizations addressess the specific objectives and requirements of the project.
There is no unnecessary details or distractions.
The visualizations responds quickly and efficiently to changes in the database.
The visualizations adapts to different screen sizes. They are responsive and adjust their layout and scaling appropriately, ensuring usability.
The visualizations are accompanied by clear documentation and annotations that explain the purpose, interpretation, and context of the visualizations.
PowerBI is mentioned in the GDPR statement.