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Feature ID FEA45
Subsystem Server
Responsible person Niko Karvinen
Status Completed


Skill Collector development environment runs the latest updates of service in CSC cloud instance.


  • Deployment to the development server should be done from a remote GitLab source repository.

Technical Requirements

  • Virtual instance in CSC Environment.
  • Use Docker to run the Skill Collector.

Preliminary user stories

  • #68 US028 - As a service administrator, I want to run the service in Docker so that it's easy to build and deploy the service to the server.


Test case Test source Responsible
Test case 1 Requirement ID?

Acceptance Criteria

Acceptance Criteria Notes
The development server is properly installed and configured with the required operating system and software dependencies.
The server has the necessary development tools, programming languages, and frameworks installed.
The deployment process is tested, and it is verified that the application is correctly deployed on the server.
The server is scalable, allowing for easy expansion of resources if needed.
Access control mechanisms is implemented to ensure that only authorized individuals can access the server.
The server setup and configuration is well-documented, allowing other team members to understand and replicate the environment if necessary.