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TC-04-001 - GDPR statement

Test Case ID TC-04-001
Author Alena Galysheva
Date of creation 05.07.2023
Class Non-Functional
Type Acceptance

Update history

  • version 0.1 - 05.07.2023 - Alena Galysheva - test case created

Test case description

This test case verifies the functionality of the FEA04-GDPR-Info 1.0.

Source for the test

This test is based on the following feature requirement:

Prerequisites and test steps


  1. Skill Collector is running in test environment.
  2. FEA-40 is implemented.

Test steps

# Action Expected result
1 Open Skill Collector, select English as a website language, navigate through all pages. Website is accessed successfully. "GDPR" button is present on every page.
2 Click "GDPR" button. A pop-up window is opened containing the GDPR statement for Skill Collector. The statement is displayed in the selected website language.
3 Verify that the user is informed about all information that is collected about them. The user is presented with clear and comprehensive information regarding the types of data collected about them.
4 Verify that the user is informed how the collected data is used. The user is provided with detailed information on how the collected data is utilized, including purposes such as analysis and service improvement.
5 Verify that the user is informed how data is handled by services like Microsoft Power BI and GDPR statement contains information on data handling practices of 3rd party services and has links to their GDPR statements.
6 Verify that the user is informed where collected data is saved. The user is explicitly informed about the storage location(s) where their data is saved, such as servers, databases, or third-party services.
7 Verify that a contact of a service provider is provided. The statement contains contact information of a service provider whom the user is able to contact if they have any questions.
8 Verify that the user is provided with a mechanism to opt out of data collection. User data is not collected upon the request to the service provider via email.
9 Verify that the user is provided with a mechanism to delete their data. User data is deleted from the database upon the request to the service provider via email.
10 Verify that the user is provided with a mechanism to request a copy of their data. User is sent a copy of their data collected by the service to their email upon the request to the service provider via email.
11 Repeat test steps in Finnish and Swedish language versions of the website. Expected results are met.

End state

A clear, accurate and concise GDPR statement is available on every page and in every language of Skill Collector website.

To be taken into account during test


PASS/FAIL Criteria

  • PASS: All test steps are completed successfully, and the output matches the expected results.
  • FAIL: Any of the test steps fail, or the output does not match the expected results.