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TC-30-001 - Progress bar

Test Case ID TC-30-001
Author Alena Galysheva
Date of creation 03.07.2023
Class Functional
Type ---

Update history

  • version 0.1 - 03.07.2023 - Alena Galysheva - test case created

Test case description

This test case verifies the functionality of the FEA30-Progress-Bar.

Source for the test

This test is based on the following requirements:

Prerequisites and test steps


  1. Skill Collector is running in the testing environment.
  2. FEA-21 is implemented, tested and accepted.
  3. FEA-29 is implemented, tested and accepted.
  4. FEA-32 is implemented, tested and accepted.

Test steps

# Action Expected Result
1 Navigate to the skill selection view. Skill selection view is accessed successfully.
2 Verify that the progress bar are visible on the screen. The progress bar section is displayed on the left side of the screen as a part of a navigation menu.
3 Examine the progress bars. 4 hard skill and 3 soft skill progress bars are displayed under the corresponding headers. Each rating category has its own progress bar and is named after its category. Hard skill bars have 5 sections, soft skill bard have 1 section, which represent the number of skills to be selected. No sections are "highlighted".
3 Select random hard and soft skills. The progress bar updates in real-time. The number of "highlighted" sections increases according to the number of skills selected in each category. Selecting skills in one rating category affects only the progress bar of that category.
4 Deselect the skills. The progress bar updates dynamically. The number of "highlighted" sections decreases accordingly.
5 Select the maximum number of hard and soft skills. The progress bar sections are all "highlighted" to reflect that.
6 Deselect 1 skill a category and attempt to select a currently selected skill from different category in a that category. The number of "highlighted" selections decreases in the former category and increases in the latter one by 1.
7 Observe the progress bar and ensure it clearly communicates the progress. The progress bar is designed in a way that immediately conveys its purpose and provides a clear indication of the task's progress.
8 Test the responsiveness of the progress bar on different desktop screen resolutions. The progress bar adjusts and remains fully functional on various desktop screen resolutions.
9 Change the color mode and repeat the test steps. The functionality works as intended in a different color mode.

End state

The progress bars accurately reflect the selection progress for both hard and soft skills, dynamically updating as skills are selected or deselected, and adjusting to different desktop screen resolutions. The progress bars effectively communicate the progress of the task, and the functionality remains consistent even when changing the color mode.

To be taken into account during test


PASS/FAIL Criteria

  • PASS: All test steps are completed successfully, and the output matches the expected results.
  • FAIL: Any of the test steps fail, or the output does not match the expected results.